VLB, August 16 2015

The VirtualLight Broadcast August 2015 Segment 1

The VirtualLight Broadcast Live three hour monthly internet broadcast.
The broadcast is in five segments, hosted by Steve and Barbara Rother of www.espavo.org and includes the interviews from Sandra Sedgbeer with the top people in the spiritual arena.

Steve & Barbara Rother welcome you to the VirtualLight Broadcast.

Steve and Barbara introduce the themselves and the up coming events were are working on.

The Empowered Human Shifting from Powerless to Powerfull. A five day event on what you should know inorder to have that powerful confidence that we all strive for.

Multidimensional Field Harmonics This is what the group says we can achieve when we are able to harmonize our energy fields across all dimensions of time and space, and with all of our eleven dimensional selves.  They call this this “Multidimensional Field Harmonics.”

LightMaster Year Long Course 2016 Begins this September. Year long, Online, Intensive Growth Series.

LightMaster Inlight Conference October 8-11, 2015, In Person Gathering, Las Vegas, NV


Sandie Sedgbeer makes an appearance to introduce the guests we will be inteviewing this month.


Steve & Barbara Rother

The VirtualLight Broadcast August 2015 Segment 2

Sandie Sedgbeer interviews Nigel Taylor

For over 30 years and throughout 45 lands, Nigel Taylor has worked with, taught and learned from the vast cultures of our world, ranging from the Masters of India to the Aboriginal people of his home land of Australia.

He has taught thousands of men, women and children of all race, creed, and culture, assisting them to discover foundational principles for living an abundant life. A life that is a balance of physical, mental and emotional well-being, enriched with a deep sense of inner calm and self-assured awareness.

He has trained major corporations in consciousness principles, led health retreats to assist those diagnosed with terminal illness, and guided people deep into the inner realms of ancient wisdom, where he explores the Magic and Mystery that underlies the fabric of creation.

His four books, including newly released The Power Before Thought: 10 Compelling Ways to Manifest Abundance, Magic and Miracles in Your Life, and his multiple guided meditative journeys on CD, are highly acclaimed for their transformation effect and uniquely encoded message.

Website: www.nigeltaylor.com

The VirtualLight Broadcast August 2015 Segment 3

Sandie Sedgbeer intervies Maureen St. Germain

Maureen St. Germain is a facilitator of personal development and spiritual awakening.  Maureen has as led esoteric study groups since 1984. She has studied the teachings of the Essenes, Edgar Cayce, Ascended Masters, and esoteric mysteries from around the world.

Maureen leads amazing sacred journeys and is known for her books on ascension, Akashic Records readings, the MerKaBa meditation and the Flower of Life.  Maureen is also a master numerologist and spiritual consultant.

In addition, Maureen has been certified as a Soul retrieval facilitator and continues to keep her knowledge current by participating in Flower of Life Continuing Education, Drunvalo’s “Images of the Heart” and “Earth Sky” workshops; Flower of Life Research’s “Seed of Life”; and with other significant teachers such as Tom Kenyon and the Mayan Elders. She is also carrying the mysteries of the Divine Feminine and will be making this material available through a workshop titled the Mystical Madonna based on the Magdalene message, the Black Madonna and Marian apparitions.

In her latest book, Be A Genie, Maureen assists people in meeting, and surpassing, their life dreams and goals using the laws of quantum physics and secrets of sacred geometry, along with easy to learn, step-by-step, practical tools and practices.

Website: www.maureenstgermain.com

The VirtualLight Broadcast August 2015 Segment 4

Meg Adamson

This month Meg speaks about her new digital online course Thrive. How do we learn to Thrive? What is our Self Talk? What patterns are holding us back from living our dreams and was the film Inside Out channeled?

Meg Adamson
Website:  www.MegAdamson.net

Alison Chester-Lambert talking about Parents Loving in Different Colors

Many of us struggle with self esteem and often this can be because our parents loved us in one `color` whilst we needed to be loved in another. So our parents may have smothered us with `green` love, when all ?we wanted was the `yellow` kind. And if we can’t even recognise green, we may not have felt loved at all. This mismatch between the `colors` or value systems means we don’t get the love we recognise and we struggle with self esteem as a result. But Alison suggests there is something we can do about this….

Alison Chester-Lambert

The VirtualLight Broadcast August 2015 Segment 5

Live Channel from Steve Rother and the group.
Barbara Rother leads you into a preperation meditation.

Steve & Barbara Rother


Each segment is 25 minutes long You are free to distribute this information in any form with the understanding that all copyrights including translation copyrights remain with Espavo. We only ask that you do not market it directly. If you like a segment feel free to place it on your own site you can write to us for the embed code for your own site. Write to the Producer of the VirtualLight Broadcast for details. This is offered as a family connection from Espavo.
POBox 34838
Las Vegas, NV 89133
+1 702 871 3317
Copyright 1996-2015 Espavo. The files on this page are copyrighted but may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part, provided Espavo is given credit and espavo.org is mentioned. Websites are encouraged to use or link to these files, permission is not needed, but we appreciate being notified. Further information from the group may be found at: https://www.espavo.org or through Espavo at (702) 871 3317. Espavo is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading Light through empowerment.
Thanks for helping to spread the Light!