VLB, December 15 2012

The VirtualLight Broadcast December 2012 Segment 1

Steve Rother and Austin Rother ~ Dec 2012

  • Barbara update – Been almost 6 mos. since Barbara’s reset. Barbara’s health and energy level is back up!
  • Holland visit – Magical trip. Seminars offered on the new conscious bodies of light. Elrah took over seminar in Holland.
  • Only two live events  in 2013 – Belgium in February
  • Skype – Meg – Four easy steps:  (1) Speak only to what you know, (2) Be the observer, (3) Change the construct (belief system),  (4) Applying the unifying field.


Steve & Barbara Rother

The VirtualLight Broadcast December 2012 Segment 2

Janelle Collard interviews Kent Smith ~ Dec 2012

  • Founder of Universal Life Strings, Grief Coach  and  Author of Love Promised.
  • Experienced out of body experiences as a child, lost boyfriend in 2005 by car accident. After death of boyfriend had paranormal experiences that brought her to a medium. Validated that the communication with boyfriend was real.
  • Time capsule holding information for next lifetime to open in 2067.
  • Discussion -Messages from boyfriend about the other side- we can create anything we want. We can have up to 6 parallel lives. We exist on all these parallel universes on the same time.
  • Reincarnation – when you cross over you bring things like addictions, issues not completed in life follow you.
  • Boyfriend predicted hurricanes 3 years ago and storm in New York
  • Discussion of more messages received from boyfriend -Finding the Ark of the Covenant – Holds the DNA of Jesus and during our lifetime the place where the Ark lies will be revealed.
  • Discussion -We do not die, death is a part of life. Our love ones never leave us.

The VirtualLight Broadcast December 2012 Segment 3

Janelle interviews Walter Semkiw ~ Dec 2012

  • Author of  Origin of the Soul and Born Again.
  • Studies reincarnation cases proven through science.
  • Discussion – importance of past life knowledge.
  •  85% of people stay in the same gender when reincarnated.
  • Discussion – unconsciously draw information from past life times
  • Discussion -Déjà vu recognizing people or places from past lifetimes. We plan a life time as we would plan a vacation.
  • Slide show presentation

The VirtualLight Broadcast December 2012 Segment 4

Charmaine Lee and Sonny Carl (formerly known as CJ Carl) ~ Dec 2012

  • Sonny’s Carl channel ~ Occupy Your Spirit, expanding your spirit. Five levels\realms.
  • Personal physical-experience of the physical for the expansion of who you are.  Physical Path is short; within that time you came to enjoy life in the physical experiencing spirit through the physical.
  • Charmaine Lee’s channel ~ Expansion & Embracing what is coming in, working with your expansion.  Connect and integrate by empowering one another.  It is you taking what is within you and bringing it out and igniting it. That is who you are. You are all part of the all. Embrace the 7th sense.  We are all part of I AM.  There is no separation as each of us co-exist with who we have become each moment.

The VirtualLight Broadcast December 2012 Segment 5

~ Beacons of Light – Title~ Dec 2012

The Morning After From Steve:

The morning after the broadcast, I am feeling much better but wanted to put down my version of what happened in this channel.  After being impressed at the depth of information coming through the Keeper of Time in his last channel, Beacons of Light Nov 2012, I had prepared for a difficult second part of his base teachings by staying in my own little corner of the room. I also didn’t want to infect everyone with my new cold. The Time Keeper told me that when humans reach new levels the first vision is the most difficult. He was aware of that, not sure if this message could yet be fully understood.  Since I was feeling a bit guilt about having a bad cold and not being the best translator for such an important message, I was very somber when I entered the channel. The next thing I know, Elrah is in and talking away and making everyone laugh when he notifies me that we are going to stand up. I said no! We are not set up for that and I’m dizzy. He looked around the room and said “watch me and I got ya.” And in the next moment the cameras all re-positioned to get what they could as I had stepped off the stage and out of the lighting.

That, it turns out, was for me personally.  Elrah is the closest to me and before the Keeper of Time could come in he had to come in and rejuvenate me a bit. He told me he was just filling me with light.  I was in jet lag and at the beginning of a bad cold   Elrah doesn’t get to interact with a live audience that much and he is loving pretending to be the human. He is really looking forward to letting his hair down at the 12-12-12 and the information he is bringing in on the Direct Light Series is awesome.

I will say that the agreement we have between us also has it’s challenges.  He wants to come through me when I am not in channel. The other day in a hotel in Amsterdam he answered the person who brought room service. It would not have been so bad but that young woman already knew me for many years.  I always feel him and all of the group on my shoulder all the time but they have kept what I call a confortable distance.  Elrah could care less about a comfortable distance and he is close enough to me that he knows I trust him implicitly.  Now you see my conflict, am I to stay with my BS (Belief Systems) or let him express.  Let’s just say that so far my wife is smiling and we are already talking about rearranging the stage to make room for Elrah to stand.

Have a great month !


Smile your way Home


The Beacons of Light December 2012

~ New Dimensions to Multidimensionality ~

A Second Lesson in Time

The Beacons of Light – Re-minders from Home December 2012


Each segment is 25 minutes long You are free to distribute this information in any form with the understanding that all copyrights including translation copyrights remain with Espavo. We only ask that you do not market it directly. If you like a segment feel free to place it on your own site you can write to us for the embed code for your own site. Write to the Producer of the VirtualLight Broadcast for details. This is offered as a family connection from Espavo.
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