VLB, February 15 2013

The VirtualLight Broadcast February 2013 Segment 1

Steve & Barbara Rother ~ Feb 2013

  • Online seminars
  • Direct Light series metamorphosis
  • Piano story. Making beautiful music together.
  • Music, rhythm, the beat of life
  • Sandie’s recovery
  • Snow angel
  • Upcoming March programs
  • Ordination training

Meg – Audio she recorded when alone in a field.  Intention and creating your world. How to be the ‘Merlin’ in your own life.


Steve & Barbara Rother

The VirtualLight Broadcast February 2013 Segment 2

Janelle interviews Martina Violetta Jung  ~ Feb 2013

  • Martina tells what led her to learning the very many skills she now has and to her current career.
  • How she counsels large companies
  • Running our bodies on all 4 cylinders instead of just one
  • Find out who you are and everything else will fall in place
  • Baby steps for taking your job and shoving it

The VirtualLight Broadcast February 2013 Segment 3

Janelle interviews Jim Self ~ Feb 2013

  • What the 3rd dimension really is
  • We moved into a looser energetic construction in Dec. 2012
  • 4th dimension – present time and choice and paradox. Some assembly is required.
  • I’m not ok? What we forget.
  • What really happened during Dec. 2012
  • If you believe it is or believe it isn’t; you’re correct


The VirtualLight Broadcast February 2013 Segment 4

Janelle interviews Wayne Peterson ~ Feb 2013

  • Cycles we are going through right now
  • New institutions for the new energy
  • The silent watcher and mother earth
  • The help that is coming
  • The planetary Logos, Maitreya and the galactic counsel
  • Our focus is mostly on competition and war. We are dysfunctional in our view of the world.

The VirtualLight Broadcast February 2013 Segment 5

Steve and Barbara with Sonny and Charmaine Lee ~ Feb 2013

Sonny Carl – Conscious focus and emotional commitment. Statements are only as good as the emotion behind it. All things are connected. If we can control our emotional environment we can control our body’s well-being.
Charmaine Lee– Take off your girdle. Let it all go; let us be who we are. We are sensual beings. Accept that part of yourself.

The VirtualLight Broadcast February 2013 Segment 6

~ Beacons of Light ~ Feb 2013

~ Smile Your Way Home ~

Harmonizing the Fabric of Time

From Steve:

This was by far our best attempt at explaining the two important points that the Keeper of Time wants us to know about our new relationship to time.  Each time he says it a bit differently, but this time it flowed evenly and smoothly. He is now beginning to give me deeper information about the new time that will be surfacing soon in the Direct Light series.

Elrah stepped in at an uncharacteristic second position as it was important for him to “have your hearts at the end.” as he puts it. Elrah seems to be adjusting to this close human contact quite well. In fact he is looking forward to telling everyone his own secrets in the next Direct Light when he reveals “The Truth about Rhythm.” In this message, he speaks of the importance of what I have learned to first tolerate, and then love.  That is Elrah’s smile. At times he does it so fast that I feel like my face is going to crack and fall off. Then, as I am sitting with this silly grin on my face in front of live cameras, he even has the audacity to show me that no one is smiling back at me.  Hum..  Just when I think he is doing it to embarrass me, he makes a noise or says something short, usually only a few words, not always making sense. That is how he changes the rhythm in that situation and in that instant everyone smiles back.

He wanted to have the last position this time so that he could send you off with his rhythm of the heart. If you have a strong rhythm for the month, you’ll enjoy each moment in the moment. Elrah represents the strong connection that we have with each other.  You know, the one that we have all pretended was not there so we could play the game of pretending to be a human. Now the game is changing and it’s time to re-member that connection.

With that in mind, I’m OK with sitting on the stage looking foolish.  If I’m honest with myself, I’ve been doing it for many years now. You think I would get used to it, or at least good at it by now.

If there is a chance that he can activate a single spirit from Home by me holding this silly grin, then I’m up for it. Turns out Elrah says that I’m just re-membering how to smile my way home.

Have a great month and keep the rhythm!

Big hugs and gentle nudges

Have a great month !



Each segment is 25 minutes long You are free to distribute this information in any form with the understanding that all copyrights including translation copyrights remain with Espavo. We only ask that you do not market it directly. If you like a segment feel free to place it on your own site you can write to us for the embed code for your own site. Write to the Producer of the VirtualLight Broadcast for details. This is offered as a family connection from Espavo.
POBox 34838
Las Vegas, NV 89133
+1 702 871 3317
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