VLB, November 02 2015

The VirtualLight Broadcast November 2015 Segment 1

The VirtualLight Broadcast Live three hour monthly internet broadcast.
The broadcast is in five segments, hosted by Steve and Barbara Rother of www.espavo.org and includes the interviews from Sandra Sedgbeer with the top people in the spiritual arena.

Steve and Barbara welcome you to the monthly VirtualLight Broadcast.

Steve starts off by sharing how we plan on bringing you another way to share all the wonderful connections we are finding with so much information.

Steve and Barbara go on to share how we are here to bring a wide variety of the truth as tools for humanity.


Steve & Barbara Rother

The VirtualLight Broadcast November 2015 Segment 2

Sandie Sedgbeer interviews Mariaemma Pellulo-Willis

Mariaemma Pelullo-Willis is an education consultant and LearningSuccess™ Coach. She is co-author of Discover Your Child’s Learning Style and Midlife Crisis Begins in Kindergarten. Mariaemma has spent more than twenty-five years teaching, conducting workshops and seminars for parents and teachers, and developing educational programs and materials. She is co-founder of the LearningSuccess™ Institute where parents and teachers learn how to coach every child for learning success, and co-creator of Power of You Now! Seminars for adults.

Mariaemma holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, a Masters degree in Education, and California Life Teaching Credentials for Regular and Special Education. Mariaemma has also conducted training programs for literacy volunteers throughout Southern California, taught learning success strategies in correctional facilities, and has developed assessment and teaching procedures for adult students.



The VirtualLight Broadcast November 2015 Segment 3

Sandie Sedgbeer interviews Lori Rubenstein

After 18 years in a tragically flawed legal system as a divorce attorney and mediator, Lori Rubenstein learned that forgiveness is truly the cornerstone of healing and creating healthy relationships. Lori’s background has allowed her to be witness to deep pain and vulnerability, and inspired her to think outside the box to find a better way to help families.

Today, as a forgiveness teacher, coach, inspirational speaker, and author of 3 transformational books including Forgiveness: Heal Your Past and Find the Peace You Deserve, Transcending Divorce: A Guide to Personal Growth and Transformation, and Freedom from Abuse: Finding Yourself Again. In addition to her private practice, Lori is a teacher of Divorce Coaches for Impact Coaching Academy and teaches facilitation skills at the Sedona Women’s Institute. Lori volunteers as a Court Appointed Advocate for Abused and Neglected Children, is an Ambassador for Shared Hope International and is a member of the board of the Sedona International City of Peace.



The VirtualLight Broadcast November 2015 Segment 4

Sandie Sedgbeer interviews Edie Weinstein

Edie Weinstein is a colorfully creative journalist, dynamic transformational speaker, radio host –It’s All About Relationships here on Vivid Life, interfaith minister, licensed social worker, BLISS Coach, PR Goddess and the author of The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming The Ordinary Into The Extraordinary.

She calls herself an Opti-Mystic who sees the world through the eyes of possibility and a Bliss Mistress who teaches people how to be the mistress or master of their own bliss.



The VirtualLight Broadcast November 2015 Segment 5

Steve and Barbara interview Marc Drost & Mary Jones

Marc & Mary share their exciting journey through a musical tone of harmonics.

Hear the angelic voice of Mary Jones joined by the angel’s choir of harmonics created by Marc Drost. Sound-magic coming your way!

Come and support them at their kickstarter program and the website below.




Alison Chester-Lambert MA – Astrophschologist and Personal Coach

Alison has returned from Gobeklitepe, the so-called oldest temple in the world, with video footage and descriptions of what she found there. This ancient sanctuary in south eastern Turkey dates back to 10,500BCE, and that is roughly 8,000 years before Stonehenge or the Great Pyramid of Egypt was being constructed. Alison notes that the carvings and statues were all of animals and fantasy creatures. The huge monolith or `single stone` pillars in the temple were carved out of the bedrock using small flints only. This was the Stone Age and they had no other tools. Hear all about this in our report from Turkey and in the studio.


The VirtualLight Broadcast November 2015 Segment 6

Steve presents a guided activation.

You have been in motion for some time. You have been playing a game with you blindfolds on. Not allowing yourself to see your greatness. But what you can see are you imperfections. Yet, it is these imperfections

Barbara tells us to enjoy the special days in our lives and with those we love and to celebrate being together.
The stronger your feel the gratitude the more greatness and wonderful experiences you can receive.


Each segment is 25 minutes long You are free to distribute this information in any form with the understanding that all copyrights including translation copyrights remain with Espavo. We only ask that you do not market it directly. If you like a segment feel free to place it on your own site you can write to us for the embed code for your own site. Write to the Producer of the VirtualLight Broadcast for details. This is offered as a family connection from Espavo.
POBox 34838
Las Vegas, NV 89133
+1 702 871 3317
Copyright 1996-2015 Espavo. The files on this page are copyrighted but may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part, provided Espavo is given credit and espavo.org is mentioned. Websites are encouraged to use or link to these files, permission is not needed, but we appreciate being notified. Further information from the group may be found at: https://www.espavo.org or through Espavo at (702) 871 3317. Espavo is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading Light through empowerment.
Thanks for helping to spread the Light!