monthly focus event

Scripting New Spirit Contracts

Originally channeled January 2024

Online Event

According to the group, we are creator beings. The vast majority of the time we create by default because we get so involved in the daily struggle that we forget we can create. 

In this two-session event, the group will lead us through exercises where we can see and evaluate where we as individuals are. The group says we are at a tilting point on Earth. 

Right now is a really good time for us to take control and take our own power and direction.

These two sessions are designed to launch your creative abilities and assist you in your life’s design.

As beings with creative power, let’s take the initiative to shape a new reality for ourselves!

In the first session, the group will lead us through exercises to help us remember the major contracts we made as a spirit before coming to Earth. 

Then in the second session, we will have an opportunity to rewrite some or all of these contracts and also script any new contracts we wish to set into motion. 

We are creator beings, let’s step up and create a new reality for ourselves!

In this event you will:

  • Get clear on where you are with your contracts. 
  • Open new possibilities in your life.
  • Change (rescript) your contracts or make new ones.
  • Rescripting your spirit contracts can free you to do more of your passion and what you came here to do. 

Let the group help you to set a new path or put new energy into your current path.

Infuse fresh energy into your existing journey.

2 Live online events 60 -75 min each with activations at the close. 

11:00 am Pacific time or anytime thereafter.

Presented at January 19th and 26th

Watch it live at 11am Pacific or watch it anytime thereafter.

Join us for these two days at $72 or join Lightmaster for $111 a month and get this, plus 3 more events each month.

Welcome Home.

Steve Rother is the channel for “The group”, a collection of entities from the other side of the veil here to empower spirits pretending to be human.

For the past 28 years, Steve Rother and “The group”, have been offering wise and timely information in seminars and lectures around the world as well as a variety of online events and workshops.

Steve Rother has presented seminars in 21 countries and has been a five-time presenter at the United Nations on two continents. His books have been translated into 18 languages. They include Spiritual Psychology, the 12 primary life lessons, Crossing the Veil and Re-member.