monthly focus event

Spiritual Lifestyle - Abundance

Originally channeled September 2023

Online Event

In this two-day event the group will tell us about our natural state of abundance as a spirit and how we can manifest that same abundance in our daily lives.

We will examine the limiting beliefs that most humans have about abundance in all of its forms.

What if you could live your life feeling abundant all of the time?

According to the group, we choose the level of abundance we are comfortable with when we are children. As adults we then create circumstances in our reality to match the same level of abundance we accepted when we were children. Once we discover our hidden templates about abundance, we can begin to examine them and then we can begin to change them.

We will offer exercises to incorporate these higher templates into our daily lives so that we can consciously change our life experience in relationship with abundance and prosperity.

In this live channeled class, the group will offer us the opportunity to choose again and show us how to reset our standard of living.

There will be activations at the close of each day to anchor the material into our psyche through visuals, music and live channel from the loving entities simply called the group.

Presented at September 22nd and 29th

Watch it live at 11am Pacific or watch it anytime thereafter with 90 day viewing. 75-90 minutes.

Join us for these two days at $72 or join Lightmaster for $111 a month and get this plus 3 more events each month.

Welcome Home.

Steve Rother is the channel for “The group”, a collection of entities from the other side of the veil here to empower spirits pretending to be human.

For the past 28 years, Steve Rother and “The group”, have been offering wise and timely information in seminars and lectures around the world as well as a variety of online events and workshops.

Steve Rother has presented seminars in 21 countries and has been a five-time presenter at the United Nations on two continents. His books have been translated into 18 languages. They include Spiritual Psychology, the 12 primary life lessons, Crossing the Veil and Re-member.