Beacons of Light, October 2019

The Beacons of Light
Re-minders from Home

Beacons of Light October 2019
Presented Live 09/28/2019

NOTICE: The following channels were given live on the VirtualLight Broadcast and can be heard as they were originally recorded. Below is an edited version of the same channel designed for print. These were edited with the group’s oversight and approval. I hope you enjoy them. Steve Rother

~ Fourth Wave ~

NEW Audible Light in Steve’s voice Download the mp3 here 

Greetings Dear Ones,

We join you today with the greatest expectations of magic. You see dear ones, we are addressing the magical humans of planet Earth. Yes, magic indeed. You have brought it forward on the timeline in a very unique way. So today we ask all of you to take a deep breath. Feel it spreading through every part of your being and integrate it into every cell in your body.

You’ll feel your inner strength gaining to give you even more direction and purpose in your life over the next several weeks. So much is starting to take place right now. You see, dear ones, the energies of planet Earth are ready to shift. And you’re here exactly on time to be part of this huge evolutionary step. Breathe deeply and take in all the energy. Soon you will walk in harmony with your own spirit, having more of the spirit come through your physical body than ever before.

The Golden Ring of Light

The magic is awakening within each and every one of you, and it’s right on time. Know that your imprint on planet Earth has been very helpful. There are many more opportunities lining up for you to be in your passion. Your own evolution is now carrying with it a huge energy behind you, like a wake following a boat on a lake, for you are changing everything. Know that you are making a difference even though you rarely see it. We watch in amazement at the work you are doing right now. Take a breath, dear ones. Harmonize with others, for this simple action will form a Golden Ring of Light that many can tap into for inspiration and love. Re-member, time is an illusion. Simply set the intention to join forces with all the energies and spirits that have connected to this golden ring of light.

Fourth Wave Awakening

The magic has begun, it is a fourth awakening. Not all humans will feel it, or even choose to. Breathe deeply and anchor it, then when you feel it, express it. Speak the words that have been waiting to be spoken, take that step, or make that move. It isn’t only you that is connecting, it’s us as well. Many other spirits are connected to the ring and feeding energy into it along with us, for we have a grand reunion occurring on this side of the veil right now. We watch planet Earth and your grand game intently. Keep up the great work and know that we are in this together.

We join you this day with your game well in progress. You’re moving at an incredible pace, and there is considerable shifting on your planet. Yes, it’s causing difficulties and challenges, but we also see the next step. So, we ask all of you to be patient. Know that your thoughts and love are making a difference to a much greater degree than you understand. There’s a lot of ambient energy in the ethers right now, much of it is mismatched and difficult to ignore. That’s the reason you’re still seeing a lot of separation and self-serving actions prevalent everywhere on Earth. Yet even within the dense energy all around, the human heart always rises. You see, dear ones, you are spirits.

Within a field of duality, people tend to point to each other as the source of their problems. Please know that there is no one here on Earth right now that is simply taking up space. Every single person is needed, no matter what environment they’re in, regardless of their socioeconomic group, belief system, religion, location or whatever else it is that humans use to separate from one another. There is no separation of the spirit and you’re starting to see that. Interestingly enough, most of this separation happens in times of fear. Of course, there are many who would like to use that separation because it is one of the ways humans can typically be controlled.

The Search for Spirit

Underneath it all, dear ones, you are connected. Humans can have one belief system over here and another over there, which can totally be at odds with each other. But when you distance yourself, as the observer does, you’ll realize that you’re both actually seeing the same thing just from different perspectives. Stepping back further, you can see that you are both trying to accomplish the same thing. So by shifting that point of perception, even by a small amount, you start seeing the spirit within each other. The purpose is to pull back far enough so you can see that you’re both simply humans playing this wonderful little game. Yes, underneath it all you both have the same core beliefs.

Help Is on the Way

The next generation is just now establishing a foothold. They hold answers if they are given room and support, and technologies can also play an important part. Even with public mistrust about Artificial Intelligence, if it is asked the right questions it will have surprising and helpful answers. Money, in this case the oil industry, will attempt to misdirect this. However, the new battery technology is right around the corner and that will remove the last major stumbling block to electric vehicles.

Furthermore, help is and will be coming from beings in other dimensions. You’re not alone in the universe, you never were, although much of it cannot be identified with your scientific processes. Right at this moment, you’ll start seeing openings and opportunities for big advancements. Much of that can actually be attributed to by some of your neighbors.

We find that especially interesting, as there are several of these neighbors who were largely responsible for some of the difficult turns that planet Earth took. And now they’re jumping in saying, “How can we help? We are the ones that were here in the beginning. We’re the ones that can show you the way Ηome and we find it fascinating to watch.” How many Lightworkers does it take to change the world? Every single one of you, which is why you’re here and why today we simply want to share with you that you have help.

The observer himself has a very interesting perspective, by not being involved and yet having the ability to watch from afar. We hope to teach all of you that gift. Because when you lean back far enough to gain perspective, dear ones, you’re truly all the same. That is something to be celebrated and used, for such a unity is long overdue. Although it’s certainly been pushed to extremes, the human heart will always prevail. Humans can only live in a state of fear for so long and then they will change the game.


Living with a brighter spirit means that things line up easily as you adopt more of a syncretic lifestyle, and answers will pop up at the right time. You’re not alone, you never were, and now you’ll see quite a bit of help from the other side of the veil, from our realm which we call Home. That’s a strong connection for all. Every time you open your eyes, you try to experience something that will remind you of Home. When you listen to music, you try to equate it to music that you know from Home. And when you see something beautiful that stirs your heart, it is calling forth memories from Home. Through the Golden Ring we are sending you very special and unique memories. Re-mind yourself of who you are, dare to see yourself and everything else from slightly different perspectives and watch as planet Earth starts to evolve.

Humanity is just now starting to make some big decisions about the next level of the game. This is absolutely perfect. And yes, we will say it: Wait until you see what’s coming, you will enjoy it! Play this wonderful game of pretending to be human. Know that you are here on purpose and on time. Treat each other with respect as you bump into each other. Nurture one another and hold those doors open at every opportunity. You are playing a new game, taking it to the next level. Play well together. We love you dearly.

Espavo. Thank you for taking your power.

The group


~Connecting the Heart~

By Barbara Rother

Spring Ahead and Fall Back

 This is the season of Fall in many parts of the world, Spring in other parts. No matter where you live, you can feel a change of not only of a new season but in all of mankind.

We have the familiar saying of “Spring Ahead-Fall Back. “. These worlds help me to remember how to reset our clocks but it is so more.

Spring feels like new life is offering awareness with our attitudes. The freshness in the air gives a sense of hope and new beginnings. Spring ahead is moving forward. Our clocks are advanced an hour. This always makes me feel I have lost an hour of my day somehow feeling I am running behind.  This is a time to view positive realities.

 Fall back means turn the clocks back one hour. I am delighted that I have gained one whole hour to my day. Fall is a different sense of awareness. It is a time for reflection. We are heading toward the last days of this year. Fall back means to look back into the year and reflect what life experiences we have encountered and learned from. Fall into the memories you have created so far in 2019.

Both time seasons may be a little disturbing to our physical, emotion and spiritual self. We learn to adjust to the ongoing changes our lives we are experiencing.   Eventually we acclimate to the sifting of time and new found self.

I welcome anytime of change. Day by day we are becoming a new person who grows step by step. At times it may seem we progress two steps forward and then one step back. Take each step with confidence and a spirit of adventure.


With love and light,



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