Who We Are – Steve Rother and The group

Steve Rother and “The group”

In Feb of 2021 Steve and Barbara celebrated 25 years of channeling the messages from the group. Barbara graduated this earth a few months later in May of 2021.

Steve and Barbara’s life changed when Steve, at the time a general contractor, began receiving messages from a group of angels simply known as “the group”. The messages were full of love and empowerment and Steve began to share them on the internet. Since that time Steve and Barbara Rother have presented interactive training and seminars in 23 countries.

From his studio Steve gives a full line of interactive trainings online each month.

Steve’s 7 books with the group’s information was published in 18 languages.

The Beacons of Light monthly messages featuring timely re-minders from the group are distributed internationally each month in many languages.

The groups messages have been published in the prestigious Sedona Journal of Emergence every month for 20+ years.

Steve and Barbara are five time presenters at the United Nations on two continents and as far as we are aware, they are the only people to teach a channeling class at the United Nations.

For 27 years they hosted the VirtualLight Broadcast. A free monthly internet TV show broadcast live to a global audience of dedicated Lightworkers from Las Vegas each month.

The ESPAVO organization is a leading edge, conscious corporation, dedicated to spreading light on planet Earth. It is a 501(c)(3) not for profit.  Espavo International is comprised of organized local groups in countries designed to assist in disseminating Espavo philosophies and lifestyle.

ESPAVOtv also produces the GlobalLight program each month. This is a global calling of healers to focus our collective energy on specific items to assist humanity in our evolution. You can receive an email notification by being on the LightList.

Steve and Barbara were High School sweethearts, married in 1972. For 25 years they traveled the globe presenting in-person events globally. Barbara graduated this Earth and returned Home in May of 2021. Steve continues the work to this day.

The word ESPAVO came from a live channel in Baltimore Maryland in 1998. It was explained as an ancient Lemurian greeting used for hello- goodbye. Translation means “Thank you for taking your power.”




  1. Hi, my name is Tasha. I am starting to heal from almost dying of Lyme Disease. I’m 39 years old and have children. I was not prepared or ready to leave. My mother sat by my bed and read me different parts of “Re-member”. It was the only thing that i’ve ever heard, on my spiritual journey, that rang true. It prepared me for the next phase, even though I ended up choosing to stay. I was so excited to explore the book myself, that I ordered a used copy off of Amazon. The one I received was signed,from Steve and Barbara to Stephen November 2000. So special! What a sign! I’m going to buy tickets for Oct seminar. This newfound awareness was changing my death and is now changing my life. Thank you!

    • Hi Tasha,
      Wow! Thank you for sharing your story and how Re-member helped you through a difficult and challenging time in your life.

      We are so glad you will be joining us in October. It should be very powerful.

      Much love,

  2. Dear Steve and Barbara

    I tuned into your most recent broadcast and briefly heard that the show had been
    dedicated to Wendy Marie…. I missed most of what was being shared and was
    wondering if indeed it was our dear sister Wendy Marie Collins.

    May the blessings of light and oneness be with us always.

    Ken Landis

  3. Dear Steve and Barbara. Iwrote a iong message to you which dissapeared suddenly. A shorter vereion here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your work and Kryon has also been tagging along. The teachings you have provided have saved my life four times. Yes I’m prone to depression as I have had to endure very bad things throughout my life. For the past few weeks I have not been able to concentrate on meditation as we are t.i.my spouse and I .moving house and trying to start a new live. Well my husband needs an acute knee replacement and is not getting the help due to broken health care system even though he had blood clot due to all the waiting. As a result of the worrying I am getting sick as well. We live in Iceland, very modern country but corrupt politicians. Dear Steve and Barbara is there a meditation you could recommed for us both in a situation like ours? Or does the group have some answers for us?
    Love to you both Henny and Siggi

    • Hi,
      This is Meg. I’ve forwarded your message along to Steve & Barbara.
      We are actually currently developing some targeted meditations, so your psychic knowing sure let you know.
      They are not ready yet, but we will announce on our email list when they are.
      Sending you love,


  4. Steve and Barbara,

    This is Jim again, I wanted to let you know that when I watched the August ‘Prediction, Comments & Questions’ I about dropped when you included my comment and had a good laugh. I was in a somewhat depressed state of mind for roughly a month—just couldn’t shake it off.
    When you added my comment I literally had chills (energy) run through me. This slapped me right upside the head and broke my depression as if I was struck by a bolt of lightning.
    I actually started rewriting ‘Botex the Celestial Karma Adjuster’ (metaphysical humor). This unedited book sat on my shelf for nearly a decade and I’m happy to say I’m up to chapter 12 already.
    Thanks for the shot in the arm! Ha, just to let you know; in the early 1980’s I started using a guitar tuning fork in an unusual manner. I would smack the tuning fork on my knee and place it to the crown of my head. It wasn’t until the late 1990’s that I heard about pineal tuning, I just thought it felt neat. Who knows, maybe I’m a member of the family of ‘E’ after all….

    Be well, Espavo
    Jim Burns
    Tiffin, Ohio

    • Hi Jim!
      What a great comment to receive. I have emailed it directly to Steve & Barbara as well so they are sure to receive it.
      Thanks so much for taking the time to write in and share. This work is so profoundly important. I’m sure your book will reach (and empower and embrace) many, many people. Congratulations on reaching Chapter 12!
